I have been working out at PRIME for almost three years now, and it has mad a huge impact on my life. I've lost weight, built muscle, improved my mood, boosted my energy level, and gained self-confidence. I feel strong and capable! I look forward to my strength training sessions because I know I will be challenged and encouraged by Michelle, Delaney, and Kelsey. I love the camaraderie among the women, and I love that we span generations and life experiences. PRIME is the first gym I have enjoyed going to and am happily committed to my training. Having an appointment and knowing other people care whether I show up is highly motivating. Even more motivating is seeing the results. I am stronger and fitter now, at 46, than I was in my twenties. (Though perhaps not as thin.) ;)  The most surprising result for me is feeling more connected with my body and less lost in my head. Priceless!